Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Switzerland for NYE, alrighty then!

Today my husband and I both had to work a 1/2 day. (Well, technically, HE had to work a 1/2 day so I figured, I might as well work a 1/2 too!) We're all packed and ready to head out to Switzerland!

There's the map! It's about a 5 1/2 hour drive and it's snowing like crazy here the past few days, so I'm hoping the roads are good and uneventful (with exception of the sweet views we'll get to see!) We're headed to Stechelberg, Switzerland and are staying at Hotel Stechelberg.


According all reviews online, it's a great place to stay! Looks like it should be shared bathrooms but I'm pretty sure they friends we're going with are the ones we're sharing the bathroom with, but if they aren't, well there's an adventure in itself! LOL

The area looks amazing, cannot wait to get there and ski all day tomorrow, the 31st! Lauterbrunnen-Stechelberg is known for they valley of 72 waterfalls. I'm curious to see if they'll be frozen over or still a flowin'! Then we're heading to dinner. I've been told it's pretty spendy in Switzerland so we'll see how that goes too. But I mean, how can you say no to travel over here?! The road trip alone look awesome!

Well, here's to safe travels on the roads today to anyone else that is traveling and hoping you all have a great NYE!! I'll see if I can post while I'm on the road but if not, there will be a good post once I get back!! #nye2014 #Switzerland #roadtrip

That's a live camera shot from our hotel in Stechelberg @ 0945 above!


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